Petroproject Logo

Petroproject Organization

We lead by Example.

Petroproject has taken a clear path to reach an independent thought and culture that relies mainly on an integrated work team at the level of ethics, cooperation, and integration.
Over more than 10 years, starting from 2013 to 2024, Petroproject has dealt with more than 500 employees with various specializations and experiences, all of whom we appreciate.
The organizational structure has been updated more than three times to keep pace with the speed of the era.
Petroproject has succeeded in overcoming challenges and proving its presence among the strongest competitors.
This is what makes us worthy of being an example to be emulated by anyone who wants to follow our path.
We provide support to everyone who wants to.

Business Core

Petroproject Teamwork

Own a set of principles that drive our day-to-day business activities.
They are the backbone of our corporate culture and reinforce our mission, vision, values and ensure our motto.

Team Concept

Integration One … [Team and One Body]
Innovation … [Professionalism and Copywriting]
Empower … [In Position and In Decision]
KPIs … [Personality and Skills]

Team Concept

Team Vs Realistic Innovation

90% of innovative projects are meant to fail most of the time.
Why is this?
Part of the answer lies in the special “innovation teams” who are mandated with finding breakthrough growth in large corporations.

Setting the teams up for success is vital, yet corporations often fail when doing this.
That is why our corporation has hired an innovative team who can relate this innovation to the real world.

They understand the difference between good and bad conflict, always setting goals and measuring progress, and have the mentality to think as if they are startup entrepreneurs, fully committed and motivated.

Team Vs Market

The business plan is set, strategy thoughtfully documented, and funds are in place.
You are ready to go to market or even poised for explosive growth.
But are you surrounded by the best possible teammates to make the dream a reality?
Our corporation consists of a cadre of talented business team who perfectly fit vital roles.

Team Vs Market

Petroproject Organization

Built on:
Ability and Merit

Everyone has been able to get success, but how to invest them through an intelligent and strong organizational system?
Try Petroproject Professionalism

Chief Officers Level

CEO Picture


Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Min Duties:
✅ Strategic Planning
✅ Major Corporate Decisions
✅ Business Growth & Development

CFO Picture

Fawzy Nada

Chief Finance Officer (CFO)

Min Duties:
✅ Finance Forecast Management
✅ Business Financial Metrics Management
✅ Enhancing Branding & Accreditation

Administrative Sectors and Key Persons Level

Maryan Malak Picture

Maryan Malak

Business Administration

Min Duties:
✅ Contracting Management
✅ Asset Management
✅ Following up Business Activities

Mai Galal Picture

Mai Galal

Business Development

Min Duties:
✅ General Relationship Management
✅ Operational Planning
✅ Enhancing Branding & Accreditation

Ahmed Shama Picture

Ahmed Shama

Finance and Accounting

Min Duties:
✅ Budgetary Controlling
✅ Finance Analysis
✅ Cost Centers Controlling

Executive Sectors and Key Persons Level

Hala Fahmy

Hala Fahmy

Supply Chain

Min Duties:
✅ Purchasing Management
✅ Sales Management
✅ Inventory Management

Sherif Ismail

Sherif Ismail

Operation and Projects

Min Duties:
✅ EPC Activities Management
✅ Manufacture Activities Management
✅ Services Activities Management

Mohamed Saber

Mohamed Saber

Engineering & Quality

Min Duties:
✅ Design and Engineering Management
✅ Feasibility Studies Management
✅ Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Coordinators Level

Hala Fahmy

Alshaimaa Samy

General Secretary

Hala Fahmy

Catherine Louis

General Coordination

Hala Fahmy

Asmaa Al-Dsoky

Media Coordination

Hala Fahmy

Mahmoud Aboulezz

IT Coordination

Hala Fahmy

Mahmoud Sallam

Marketing Coordination

Hala Fahmy

Mohamed Shadad

Project Coordination

Hala Fahmy

Ibrahim Mamdouh

Legal Coordination

Organization Process

Business Core